Building Connections

Bridging Solutions

Our Mission

Boltsquare is at the forefront of the climbing industry, offering comprehensive B2B solutions designed to elevate climbing experiences. We believe in building strong connections and serving as the bridge that addresses and resolves industry challenges.

Let us build the foundation for you to create seamless, quality climbing experiences.

Wall Building

Quality build for indoor and outdoor gyms to provide an interesting canvas to inspire route setters and climbers alike

Route Setting

A route setting team experienced in creating routes to inspire and challenge climbers of all skill levels

Handholds Distribution

A large array of climbing handholds and volumes for both commercial and personal needs

Auto Belay

Descent safely with auto belay devices from Safedown and Dyno for climbers to experience safer, solo climbs

Air Purification

Breathe healthier with StaticAir, your solution to indoor air pollution

Wall Building

Quality build for indoor and outdoor gyms to provide an interesting canvas to inspire route setters and climbers alike

Route Setting

A route setting team experienced in creating routes to inspire and challenge climbers of all skill levels

Handholds Distribution

A large array of climbing handholds and volumes for both commercial and personal needs

Air Purification

Breathe healthier with StaticAir, your solution to indoor air pollution

Auto Belay

Descent safely with auto belay devices from Safedown and Dyno for climbers to experience safer, solo climbs

Get In Touch

Looking for climbing solutions for personal or commercial use? We’re here to build that foundation for you.